Data Set of Census of Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan for the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Resource for PhD Scholars

The pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan is an important sector that contributes significantly to the economy. It is one of the fastest-growing industries in the country, with a market size of over $4 billion in 2020. As a Ph.D. scholar, conducting research on this industry can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding reliable data. Fortunately, the Census of Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan provides a wealth of information that can be used to analyze and understand the pharmaceutical industry’s performance. In this article, we will explore the data set of the Census of Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan for the pharmaceutical industry.

Overview of the Census of Manufacturing Industries

The Census of Manufacturing Industries is conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) every five years. The latest census was conducted in 2015-16, and it provides data on the structure and performance of the manufacturing sector in Pakistan. The census covers all manufacturing establishments with ten or more persons engaged in the production of goods. The data collected includes information on employment, wages, value-added, and capital investment, among other indicators.

Data Set of Census of Manufacturing Industries for Pharmaceutical Industry

The Census of Manufacturing Industries provides a comprehensive data set for the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan. The data set includes information on the number of establishments, employment, wages, value-added, and capital investment. The data set is available for the last ten years, making it a valuable resource for Ph.D. scholars and researchers studying the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan.

The data set includes information on the number of establishments engaged in the production of pharmaceutical products in Pakistan. The number of establishments has increased significantly over the last ten years, from 300 in 2010-11 to 440 in 2015-16. This indicates the growth of the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan, which is expected to continue in the future.

The data set also includes information on employment in the pharmaceutical industry. The industry is a significant employer in Pakistan, providing jobs to over 100,000 people in 2015-16. The number of employees has also increased over the last ten years, from around 70,000 in 2010-11 to over 100,000 in 2015-16.

The data set provides information on wages and salaries paid to employees in the pharmaceutical industry. The average monthly wage for an employee in the industry was around Rs. 37,000 in 2015-16, which is higher than the average monthly wage in the manufacturing sector as a whole. This indicates that the pharmaceutical industry provides relatively high-paying jobs in Pakistan.

The data set also includes information on value-added in the pharmaceutical industry. Value-added is the difference between the value of inputs and the value of outputs produced by an establishment. The pharmaceutical industry has a high value-added per employee, indicating its importance to the economy. The value-added per employee in the industry was around Rs. 2.3 million in 2015-16, which is significantly higher than the average value-added per employee in the manufacturing sector.

The data set provides information on capital investment in the pharmaceutical industry. The industry requires significant capital investment in research and development, manufacturing equipment, and facilities. The data set shows that the pharmaceutical industry has made substantial investments in capital over the last ten years, with the value of fixed assets increasing from around Rs. 50 billion in 2010-11 to over Rs. 100 billion in 2015-16.


The Census of Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan provides a valuable data set for Ph.D. scholars and researchers studying the pharmaceutical industry. The data set includes information on the number of establishments, employment, wages, value-added, and capital investment, among other indicators. The data set shows that the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan is a significant contributor to the economy, providing high-paying jobs and high value-added per employee. The industry has shown significant growth over the last ten years, with the number of establishments, employees, and capital investment increasing substantially. These trends are expected to continue in the future, making the pharmaceutical industry an attractive sector for investment and research.

The data set of the Census of Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan for the pharmaceutical industry can be used to analyze and understand the industry’s performance over time. Researchers can use the data set to conduct trend analysis, cross-sectional analysis, and panel data analysis, among other techniques. The data set can also be used to conduct policy analysis and evaluate the impact of policy changes on the industry’s performance.

One limitation of the data set is that it is only available for the last ten years. This means that researchers cannot conduct long-term trend analysis or evaluate the industry’s performance over a more extended period. Another limitation is that the data set does not provide information on the quality of pharmaceutical products produced by establishments. This information is essential for evaluating the industry’s competitiveness and its ability to meet local and international quality standards.

In conclusion, the data set of the Census of Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan for the pharmaceutical industry provides a valuable resource for Ph.D. scholars and researchers studying the industry. The data set includes information on the number of establishments, employment, wages, value-added, and capital investment, among other indicators. The data set shows that the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan is a significant contributor to the economy, providing high-paying jobs and high value-added per employee. The industry has shown significant growth over the last ten years, and these trends are expected to continue in the future. However, researchers should keep in mind the limitations of the data set and consider supplementing it with other data sources for a comprehensive analysis of the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan.

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