Transgender Population of Pakistan: Navigating Identity and Challenges

Disclaimer: This article aims to provide informative insights into the transgender population of Pakistan. It is important to treat every individual with respect and sensitivity, irrespective of their gender identity.

Introduction: Embracing Diversity

In the vibrant tapestry of Pakistan’s society, the transgender community has a unique and significant presence. Often referred to as “khawaja siras” or “hijras,” these individuals defy traditional gender norms and offer a fresh perspective on the concept of identity. Let’s delve into the multifaceted world of Pakistan’s transgender population, exploring their history, challenges, and ongoing efforts towards inclusion.

A Historical Glimpse: From Recognition to Struggle

Hijras in Ancient Culture

Centuries before the modern era, hijras held a revered status in South Asian societies. They were acknowledged as auspicious figures and were invited to bless newborns and newlyweds. This historical acceptance highlights the fluidity of gender roles within the region’s cultural fabric.

Colonial Legacy and Marginalization

However, during the colonial period, the British introduced legal restrictions that stigmatized and criminalized hijras’ way of life. This legacy of discrimination has cast a long shadow over the transgender community in Pakistan, impacting their social and economic opportunities.

Gender Identity and Struggles: A Complex Reality

Challenges in Obtaining Legal Recognition

Gaining legal recognition and protection remains a pivotal challenge for transgender individuals in Pakistan. Many continue to face difficulties in obtaining accurate identification documents that align with their gender identity. This discrepancy not only denies them basic rights but also exposes them to potential harassment and violence.

Healthcare Disparities

Access to adequate healthcare is another pressing concern. Transgender people often encounter insensitivity and ignorance within healthcare settings, leading to inadequate treatment. This lack of proper healthcare compounds existing health risks and challenges within the community.

Educational Barriers

Educational opportunities for transgender individuals are often limited due to social stigma and discrimination. This lack of access to quality education hampers their chances of pursuing fulfilling careers and contributing positively to society.

Community Resilience and Progress

Advocacy and Awareness

Despite the challenges, Pakistan’s transgender community and its allies are working diligently to bring about positive change. Numerous organizations and activists are advocating for legal reforms, raising awareness, and fostering a more inclusive society.

Inclusion in the Workforce

Efforts are being made to empower transgender individuals economically. Initiatives such as vocational training programs and job placement services aim to enhance their employability and create avenues for financial independence.

Art and Cultural Representation

Art and media are emerging as powerful tools to challenge stereotypes and promote understanding. The portrayal of transgender characters and stories in Pakistani films and television shows is contributing to broader acceptance and compassion.

Conclusion: A Call for Unity

The transgender population of Pakistan adds to the nation’s rich tapestry of diversity. While challenges persist, progress is being made towards recognition, acceptance, and inclusion. As a society, embracing this community’s experiences and contributions enriches our collective identity. By understanding their struggles and triumphs, we move closer to a more just and harmonious Pakistan.

The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has conducted a thorough examination of the request. We would like to inform you that the district and tehsil-wise population data from the final results of the 2017 census (Detailed Tables) is available on the official PBS website. This data encompasses 40 tables for each district in Pakistan, including data related to the transgender population. For your convenience, we have provided links to the relevant resources:

  1. District Wise Results / Tables (Census – 2017)
  2. Final Results (Census-2017)

In addition, please find attached the necessary data for your reference. Should you require any further assistance or information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your interest in the census data, and we hope this information proves to be helpful in your endeavors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What does the term “khawaja siras” mean?

A1: “Khawaja siras” is a term used in South Asia, including Pakistan, to refer to transgender individuals or those who don’t conform to traditional gender norms.

Q2: Are there any legal protections for transgender people in Pakistan?

A2: Yes, there have been legal advancements, such as the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018, which aims to safeguard the rights of transgender individuals in Pakistan.

Q3: How can I support the transgender community in Pakistan?

A3: You can support by advocating for their rights, donating to organizations working for their welfare, and promoting awareness about their challenges and contributions.

Q4: What role does the media play in shaping perceptions of transgender people?

A4: Media plays a significant role in shaping public perceptions. Positive and accurate portrayals of transgender individuals can contribute to breaking down stereotypes and fostering empathy.

Q5: Are there any success stories from the transgender community in Pakistan?

A5: Absolutely, there are several success stories. For instance, Kami Sid, a prominent transgender activist and model, has been a trailblazer in advocating for transgender rights and visibility.

Facts and Figures of Female Labour Force Participation in Major Cities and Overall Pakistan


The participation of women in the labor force is a crucial aspect of a nation’s development and progress. In Pakistan, like many other countries, the issue of female labor force participation has been a topic of significant interest. In this blog post, we will explore the facts and figures surrounding female labor force participation in major cities and the overall landscape of Pakistan. By delving into the statistics, we aim to shed light on the current state of affairs and the challenges that need to be addressed.

Overview of Female Labor Force Participation:

  1. Female Labor Force Participation Rate in Major Cities:

The labor force participation rate (LFPR) measures the percentage of women, aged 15 years and above, who are either employed or actively seeking employment. According to recent data, the LFPR for females in major cities of Pakistan varies. For example, in Karachi, the LFPR stands at approximately 24%, while in Lahore, it is around 22%. Other major cities like Islamabad, Peshawar, and Quetta exhibit similar trends.

  1. Overall Female Labor Force Participation in Pakistan:

When considering the overall female labor force participation rate in Pakistan, the statistics reveal a lower rate compared to their male counterparts. According to available data, the female LFPR in Pakistan is approximately 22%. This indicates that a significant portion of the female population remains outside the formal labor market.

Factors Influencing Female Labor Force Participation:

  1. Cultural and Social Norms:

Deeply rooted cultural and social norms play a significant role in shaping the labor force participation of women in Pakistan. Traditional gender roles, family responsibilities, and societal expectations often limit women’s access to education and employment opportunities.

  1. Educational Attainment:

Access to quality education and skill development is crucial for empowering women and increasing their participation in the labor force. Although strides have been made in improving female education rates, there is still a gap that needs to be bridged, especially in rural areas.

  1. Gender Wage Gap:

The gender wage gap remains a challenge, with women earning less than their male counterparts for similar work. This disparity not only affects individual women but also serves as a deterrent to female labor force participation.

Efforts and Initiatives:

Recognizing the importance of promoting female labor force participation, various initiatives and programs have been undertaken to address the existing challenges. These include:

  1. Women Empowerment Programs:

Government-led initiatives focus on empowering women through skill development, entrepreneurship opportunities, and financial inclusion. These programs aim to enhance economic independence and create an enabling environment for women to join the labor force.

  1. Workplace Policies:

Both the public and private sectors have introduced policies to promote gender diversity, equal opportunities, and work-life balance. Encouraging flexible working arrangements and providing childcare facilities can help mitigate some of the barriers faced by women.

  1. Awareness and Advocacy:

Civil society organizations, NGOs, and women’s rights activists play a crucial role in raising awareness about the importance of female labor force participation. Their advocacy efforts contribute to changing societal mindsets and promoting gender equality in the workplace.

Sources of Data:

To obtain accurate and up-to-date statistics on female labor force participation in major cities and overall Pakistan, researchers and data users can refer to the following reliable sources:

  1. Pakistan Bureau of Statistics ( The official website of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics provides various reports, surveys, and statistical data on different socio-economic aspects, including labor force participation rates and gender-specific data.
  2. International Labour Organization (ILO) – Pakistan ( The ILO’s website for Pakistan offers research reports, publications, and data related to labor market trends, including female labor force participation.
  3. World Bank ( The World Bank provides extensive research, reports, and data on various development indicators, including labor force participation rates, gender equality, and women’s empowerment in Pakistan.
  4. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – Pakistan ( The UNDP’s Pakistan website offers publications and reports on socio-economic development, gender equality, and women’s empowerment, which may include relevant data on female labor force participation.
  5. Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM): PSLM is a nationally representative survey conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. It provides valuable data on various socio-economic indicators, including labor force participation rates and gender-specific information.
  6. Research Studies and Academic Journals: Researchers and data users can refer to academic journals and research studies conducted by universities, research institutions, and scholars in Pakistan. These studies often include in-depth analysis, statistical data, and insights on female labor force participation.


Understanding the facts and figures of female labor force participation in major cities and overall Pakistan is crucial for fostering an inclusive and progressive society. By acknowledging the challenges and utilizing the available data, policymakers, organizations, and individuals can work towards creating an environment that encourages and supports women’s active participation in the labor force. Through collective efforts, we can strive for gender equality and empower women to contribute effectively to the economic growth and development of the nation.