Comparing Economic Progress: 2010-2014 vs. 2014-2018 in Pakistan

Hey there, curious minds! 🌟 Ever wondered how a nation’s economic journey can have distinct chapters, each with its own set of challenges, opportunities, and outcomes? We’re about to dive into a tale of numbers, policies, and progress as we compare the economic trajectories of Pakistan during two significant tenures: 2010-2014 and 2014-2018. Strap in for a rollercoaster ride through fiscal landscapes and growth patterns!

Hitting the Ground: Economic Landscape of 2010-2014

In the early years of the 2010s, Pakistan was grappling with a myriad of economic challenges. The global financial crisis had cast its shadow, and the country was striving to stabilize its economy amidst inflation and energy shortages. Foreign Aid Dependency was a pressing concern, leading to discussions about the need for self-sufficiency.

Inflation and Fiscal Policy: A Balancing Act

During 2010-2014, Pakistan faced persistent inflation, with prices spiraling upwards. The government was faced with the daunting task of implementing fiscal policies that would curb inflation while not stifling economic growth. The IMF Loan Package became a headline, aimed at stabilizing the economy and facilitating necessary reforms.

A Turn of Events: Economic Progress in 2014-2018

As the pages turned and 2014 gave way to 2018, Pakistan’s economic narrative underwent a transformation. The new government ushered in changes and strategies aimed at steering the ship towards calmer waters. Let’s explore some of the key areas of development.

Investment in Energy Sector: Powering Up the Economy

The years 2014-2018 saw a significant focus on addressing energy shortages that had plagued Pakistan for years. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) emerged as a game-changer, with investments pouring into energy projects. This not only alleviated energy woes but also stimulated industrial growth, creating a ripple effect on various sectors.

Manufacturing and Industrial Growth: A New Dawn

With improved energy infrastructure, the manufacturing sector experienced a revival. Industries could now operate without frequent power outages, leading to increased production and exports. Pakistan’s textile industry flourished, gaining a competitive edge in international markets.

Technology and Entrepreneurship: Navigating the Digital Wave

The years under scrutiny also witnessed a surge in technology-driven initiatives and entrepreneurship. Start-up incubators and freelancing platforms opened doors for young minds, nurturing innovation and creating job opportunities. This shift towards a tech-savvy landscape added a layer of diversification to Pakistan’s economy.

Comparing the Two Tenures: A Closer Look

Now, let’s put on our analytical glasses and compare these two periods of economic activity side by side. It’s like looking at two distinct chapters of a book, each contributing to the overarching narrative.

GDP Growth: Numbers Don’t Lie

When we talk about economic progress, GDP growth becomes a focal point. In the 2010-2014 era, Pakistan’s GDP growth was relatively modest, hovering around 3-4%. However, the narrative shifts in 2014-2018, as GDP growth accelerated to around 5-6%. This indicates a more robust economic momentum in the latter tenure.

Agriculture vs. Services: Shifting Dynamics

Agriculture has historically been a significant sector in Pakistan’s economy. During the 2010-2014 tenure, it played a vital role in GDP composition. However, in the 2014-2018 period, the services sector gained prominence, contributing more significantly to the GDP. This shift underscores the changing economic landscape.

Challenges and Opportunities: What Lies Ahead

As we conclude this comparative journey, it’s important to acknowledge that economic progress is a complex tapestry woven with threads of challenges and opportunities.

Sustainable Growth and Structural Reforms: The Roadmap

For Pakistan to continue on an upward trajectory, sustainable growth is paramount. The focus should be on structural reforms that address corruption, tax evasion, and inefficiencies. Additionally, investments in human capital and education can unlock new avenues of economic development.

External Debt Management: Balancing Act

While investments and loans can fuel growth, they can also lead to debt accumulation. Pakistan must strike a balance between securing investments for development projects and managing its external debt to avoid falling into a debt trap.

Final Thoughts: A Tale of Resilience and Aspiration

In the span of a mere eight years, Pakistan’s economic narrative witnessed significant shifts. From tackling inflation to embracing technology, the nation showcased its resilience and aspiration for progress. While challenges remain, the lessons from these two tenures can guide Pakistan’s journey towards a more prosperous future.

Locate Statistics of Economics

To compare the economic progress of two tenures, 2010-2014 and 2014-2018, in Pakistan, you can gather relevant data from various authoritative sources:

  1. World Bank Data: Visit to access a comprehensive set of indicators from the World Development Indicators. This resource provides a wide range of economic and development data for Pakistan.
  2. Macrotrends: Refer to for historical GDP growth rates of Pakistan from 1961 to the present. This data can help you analyze the economic performance over the specified periods.
  3. Pakistan Economic Survey: The Pakistan Economic Survey 2014-15 published by the Ministry of Finance provides valuable insights into economic growth, agriculture, and other key sectors during the mentioned periods.

These sources offer a range of economic indicators and statistics that can be used to compare the economic progress of Pakistan during the two specified tenures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How did the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor impact Pakistan’s economy? The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) injected massive investments into energy and infrastructure projects, revitalizing industries and fostering economic growth.

2. Did GDP growth lead to an increase in employment opportunities? While GDP growth can create a conducive environment for job creation, sustained efforts are required to ensure that this growth translates into meaningful employment opportunities.

3. What role did the services sector play in Pakistan’s economic transformation? During the 2014-2018 tenure, the services sector gained prominence, contributing significantly to the GDP and reflecting a shift in the economic landscape.

4. How can Pakistan ensure sustainable economic growth? Sustainable economic growth demands structural reforms to address issues like corruption and inefficiencies, alongside investments in education and human capital.

5. What are the key takeaways from comparing these economic tenures? The comparison highlights the importance of targeted policies, diversification, and adaptability in navigating the challenges and opportunities that shape a nation’s economic progress.

Census Manufacturing Industries (CMI) Pakistan: A Closer Look at the Industrial Landscape

The manufacturing sector in Pakistan has undergone significant transformations over the years, playing a crucial role in the country’s economic growth. The Census Manufacturing Industries (CMI) Pakistan stands as a pivotal initiative that sheds light on the intricacies of this sector. In this article, we’ll delve into what CMI Pakistan is all about, why it matters, its impact on policy-making, and how it contributes to shaping the nation’s economic trajectory.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Understanding the Manufacturing Sector’s Significance
  2. The Genesis of CMI Pakistan
    • Tracing the Origins of the Census Manufacturing Industries
  3. CMI’s Role in Economic Assessment
    • Linking Data Collection to Informed Decision-Making
  4. Unveiling Pakistan’s Industrial Diversity
    • Exploring the Myriad Sub-sectors within Manufacturing
  5. Challenges in Census Data Collection
    • Navigating Obstacles to Accurate and Comprehensive Data
  6. CMI’s Impact on Policy Formulation
    • How Data Insights Influence Government Strategies
  7. Empowering Local and International Investors
    • Enabling Informed Investment Decisions
  8. Incorporating Technological Advancements
    • The Digital Age Meets Industrial Census
  9. CMI Pakistan and Employment Trends
    • Understanding Manufacturing’s Contribution to Jobs
  10. Sustainable Manufacturing Insights
    • Eco-friendly Practices and their Enumeration
  11. Regional Disparities and Opportunities
    • Analyzing Manufacturing Concentration Across Pakistan
  12. Comparative Analysis with Previous Censuses
    • Evolution and Trends in Manufacturing Data Collection
  13. Public vs. Private Sector: Data Revelations
    • Unveiling Manufacturing Dominance
  14. CMI’s Role in Future Growth
    • Anticipating the Impetus for Technological Advancements
  15. Conclusion
    • Reflecting on CMI’s Role in Shaping Pakistan’s Industrial Destiny


Manufacturing isn’t just about producing goods; it’s a cornerstone of economic progress. From textiles to automobiles, the manufacturing sector powers a nation’s growth engine. In Pakistan, this sector’s dynamics are meticulously studied and analyzed through the Census Manufacturing Industries (CMI) Pakistan.

The Genesis of CMI Pakistan

Originating in the need for comprehensive data, CMI Pakistan emerged as a systematic approach to gather information about various manufacturing activities across the nation. Initiated by the government, it aimed to bridge the data gap and provide insights into the sector’s health.

CMI’s Role in Economic Assessment

Imagine making informed decisions without accurate information. CMI Pakistan fills this gap by collecting data on production, employment, investment, and more. This data-driven approach aids policymakers, economists, and businesses in making well-informed choices that shape the country’s economic landscape.

Unveiling Pakistan’s Industrial Diversity

The beauty of CMI Pakistan lies in its ability to categorize manufacturing into sub-sectors. From textiles, food, and chemicals to electronics and leather, it unveils the vast spectrum of industries that collectively contribute to the nation’s progress.

Challenges in Census Data Collection

Collecting data from diverse industries spread across the country isn’t without hurdles. From logistical challenges to incomplete reporting, the process is akin to solving a complex puzzle. Yet, CMI Pakistan continues to refine its methods for more accurate results.

CMI’s Impact on Policy Formulation

Policies without insights are shots in the dark. CMI Pakistan’s data plays a pivotal role in shaping policies that drive industrial growth. From incentives for specific sectors to environmental regulations, it’s a compass guiding policymakers toward sustainable development.

Empowering Local and International Investors

Investors thrive on data. CMI Pakistan doesn’t just serve the government; it empowers investors with valuable insights. Whether local entrepreneurs or international corporations, they can now make strategic decisions backed by a wealth of information.

Incorporating Technological Advancements

In an era dominated by technology, even industrial censuses are getting a digital makeover. CMI Pakistan leverages digital tools for data collection, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in an increasingly interconnected world.

CMI Pakistan and Employment Trends

Manufacturing isn’t solitary—it brings jobs. CMI Pakistan’s employment data highlights the sector’s role in job creation. From factory floors to managerial roles, it paints a picture of the workforce driving the production lines.

Sustainable Manufacturing Insights

The world is embracing sustainability, and so is manufacturing. CMI Pakistan goes beyond numbers; it showcases how industries are adopting eco-friendly practices. This aligns with global trends and sets the path for a greener industrial footprint.

Regional Disparities and Opportunities

Manufacturing isn’t uniformly distributed across Pakistan. Certain regions are hubs for specific industries. CMI Pakistan’s data helps in understanding these regional disparities, enabling targeted development strategies.

Comparative Analysis with Previous Censuses

Change is constant, and so is progress. By comparing current CMI data with past censuses, we get a glimpse of how industries have evolved. It’s a journey through time, revealing trends, shifts, and adaptations.

Public vs. Private Sector: Data Revelations

Who’s driving the manufacturing force? CMI Pakistan’s data reveals the balance between public and private sector contributions. It’s a window into the dynamics of ownership that influence industry growth.

CMI’s Role in Future Growth

The future beckons with innovation. CMI Pakistan’s insights provide a roadmap for the integration of technology. From automation to digitalization, it hints at the transformation that lies ahead.

Locating Census Manufacturing Industries (CMI) data sets

You can obtain the data related to the Census Manufacturing Industries (CMI) from the following departments and sources:

  1. Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS): The PBS is the primary authority conducting the Census Manufacturing Industries (CMI) in Pakistan. They measure production and structural changes in large-scale manufacturing industries (LSMI). The data provided includes values of inputs and outputs, census value-added, contribution to GDP, fixed assets, stocks, employment and employment cost, and industrial taxes. The PBS uses this data to develop new weights for the Quantum Index of Manufacturing.
  2. Quantum Index of Manufacturing (QIM): The Quantum Index of Manufacturing is a crucial metric that quantifies changes in the manufacturing sector’s performance over time. You can explore monthly production data of the Quantum Index of Large Scale Manufacturing Industries (QIM) on the PBS website.
  3. Online Publications: The PBS website offers various publications related to the industry. These publications provide valuable insights into the manufacturing sector’s trends, performance, and other related data. You can explore the Industry Publications section on the PBS website for more information.
  4. Specific Reports: Some reports are dedicated to the Census Manufacturing Industries. For instance, the “Census Manufacturing Industries 2015-16” and “Small and Household Manufacturing Industries (SHMI) 2015” reports offer comprehensive insights into the sector’s structure, growth, and contributions.
  5. Microdata Access: Microdata from publications, such as the CMI 2015-16, can be obtained at a cost according to the data dissemination policy of the PBS. While these micro datasets may not be freely accessible, they provide detailed and granular information for in-depth analysis.
  6. Historical Reports: While micro datasets earlier than CMI 2005-06 are not available, historical reports in hard form are accessible at the PBS Library. These reports might offer valuable insights into the manufacturing sector’s evolution and trends.

Here are the specific links where you can find the mentioned data:

Available in PBS Library 

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1954

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1955

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1957

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1958

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1959-60

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1964-65

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1965-66

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1966-67

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1969-70

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1970-71

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1975-76

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1976-77

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1977-78

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1978-79

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1979-80

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1980-81

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1981-82

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1982-83

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1983-84

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1984-85

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1985-86

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1986-87

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1987-88

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1990-91

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1995-96

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 2000-01

Census of Manufacturing Industries, 2005-06

Census of Manufacturing Industries-2005 District-Wise Report

Please note that while some data may be available online, certain microdata and detailed reports might be subject to the PBS’s data dissemination policies.


The Census Manufacturing Industries (CMI) Pakistan isn’t just a collection of data; it’s a narrative of Pakistan’s industrial journey. As the manufacturing sector continues to evolve, CMI stands as a guiding light, ensuring that every decision is backed by knowledge.


  1. Why is CMI Pakistan important? CMI Pakistan provides essential data about the manufacturing sector, aiding in informed decision-making and policy formulation.
  2. How often is the CMI conducted? The frequency of CMI varies, but it’s typically conducted every few years to capture changes and trends.
  3. Can businesses access CMI data? While detailed data might not be readily available to businesses, the general insights can be influential for strategic planning.
  4. Does CMI cover all manufacturing sub-sectors? Yes, CMI aims to encompass a wide range of manufacturing sub-sectors, providing a comprehensive view of the industry.
  5. Is CMI Pakistan’s data publicly accessible? Some aspects of the data might be available to the public, but detailed data often remains within governmental and research circles.