The Usage of Open Source Software in Pakistan During the Last 5 Years

Open source software (OSS) has gained significant attention and popularity worldwide, including in Pakistan, over the past few years. This article explores the trends and adoption of open-source software in Pakistan from 2018 to 2023. By analyzing statistics and relevant information, we will delve into the growth, benefits, challenges, and future prospects of OSS in Pakistan.

  1. Growth and Adoption of Open Source Software in Pakistan:

Pakistan, once criticized for software piracy, has shifted its focus towards open source software as a means to transform its image and promote sustainable economic development [1]. Over the past five years, the usage of OSS in Pakistan has seen remarkable progress, driven by various factors such as the availability of free and open source software options and the desire to build local skills in OSS development and deployment.

According to a recent report by GitHub, Pakistan ranks fourth in terms of percentage growth of open source projects on their platform [3]. The country experienced a staggering 41% increase in open source projects compared to the previous year. This growth is indicative of the flourishing technology culture in Pakistan, with a notable increase in contributors by 71% [3].

  1. Advantages of Open Source Software Adoption:

2.1. Cost Savings and Affordability:

One of the significant advantages of open source software is its cost-effectiveness. By utilizing OSS, individuals, organizations, and educational institutes in Pakistan can save substantial amounts of money on software licensing fees. The availability of free and open source alternatives such as OpenOffice, Linux, MySQL, PHP, and Mozilla Firefox has enabled users to access powerful software without the financial burden [1].

2.2. Customization and Flexibility:

Open source software provides the freedom to modify and customize the source code according to specific requirements. In a diverse country like Pakistan, where businesses and institutions have unique needs, the flexibility of OSS allows for tailored solutions. Developers can adapt open source software to suit local languages, cultural contexts, and specific industry requirements.

2.3. Security and Transparency:

OSS’s transparent nature, where the source code is accessible for review and audit, contributes to enhanced security. The collective efforts of developers and communities worldwide result in swift identification and resolution of vulnerabilities. Pakistan’s growing adoption of open source software aligns with the global trend of prioritizing security in software solutions.

  1. Challenges and Roadblocks:

3.1. Awareness and Education:

Despite the growing popularity of open source software in Pakistan, there remains a need for increased awareness and education about its benefits. Many individuals and organizations still perceive proprietary software as the default choice due to lack of exposure or familiarity with OSS alternatives. Encouraging educational institutions and industry bodies to promote open source software can help overcome this challenge.

3.2. Compatibility and Interoperability:

In certain cases, interoperability between open source software and proprietary software may pose challenges. Organizations in Pakistan need to evaluate their existing software infrastructure and ensure seamless integration when adopting open source solutions. Collaboration between open source communities and proprietary software providers can facilitate better compatibility and interoperability.

  1. Future Prospects and Recommendations:

The adoption of open source software in Pakistan is expected to continue its upward trajectory in the coming years. To foster further growth, it is essential to focus on the following recommendations:

4.1. Government Support and Policies:

The government of Pakistan can play a pivotal role in promoting the adoption of open source software by formulating policies that encourage its usage in public institutions and initiatives. By establishing frameworks that prioritize OSS procurement and development, the government can create a conducive environment for local OSS communities to thrive.

4.2. Industry Collaboration and Research:

Collaboration between industry stakeholders, academia, and open source communities can foster innovation and research in open source software development. Universities and research institutes in Pakistan should encourage students to contribute to open source projects, thus nurturing a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing.

4.3. Training and Skill Development:

Investments in training programs and workshops focused on open source software can help bridge the skills gap in Pakistan. By equipping developers and IT professionals with the necessary expertise in OSS development, deployment, and maintenance, the country can build a robust talent pool that supports the sustainable growth of open source software.

To obtain data on the usage of open-source software in Pakistan during the last five years, you can explore various sources, including:

  1. Open Source Communities: Engage with open-source communities in Pakistan, such as developers, enthusiasts, or forums dedicated to open-source software. These communities might have information, statistics, or discussions related to the usage of open-source software in the country.
  2. Government Reports and Initiatives: Check the official websites of government departments or agencies responsible for technology, IT, or digital initiatives in Pakistan. They may publish reports or data related to the adoption and usage of open-source software in the country. Examples include the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication.
  3. Research Institutes and Universities: Explore the websites of research institutes or universities in Pakistan that focus on technology or computer science. They might conduct studies or research projects related to open-source software usage in the country. Look for published papers, reports, or datasets on their websites.
  4. Open Data Portals: Visit open data portals or repositories that provide access to various datasets. Although specific datasets for open-source software usage in Pakistan may not be readily available, you can search for related datasets that might provide insights into technology trends, software development, or IT infrastructure in the country. Examples include the Pakistan Data Portal ( or international platforms like Kaggle ( which host various datasets for analysis.
  5. Industry Reports and Surveys: Keep an eye out for industry reports or surveys conducted by technology companies, consulting firms, or research organizations that cover the technology landscape in Pakistan. These reports often include information on software usage trends, including open-source software.


Over the last five years, Pakistan has witnessed significant growth in the adoption of open source software. This shift can be attributed to factors such as cost savings, customization opportunities, and security benefits offered by OSS. Despite challenges related to awareness and compatibility, the future prospects of open source software in Pakistan look promising. Through government support, industry collaboration, and skill development initiatives, Pakistan can continue to leverage the potential of open source software and contribute to its global community.

Please note that the statistics mentioned in this article are based on the provided information and may not reflect the most up-to-date data. For the most accurate and current statistics, it is recommended to refer to the original sources cited.

References: [1] ResearchGate. Trends of Open Source Software Adoption in Pakistan. Retrieved from [URL1] [3] TechJuice. Pakistan ranks among the fastest-growing countries in open-source projects – GitHub Report. Retrieved from [URL3]

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