Pakistan’s Population Soars to 241.49 Million in the 2023 Digital Census

Unveiling the Dynamics of Pakistan’s Evolving Demography

In a much-awaited revelation, the official digital census results for 2023 have provided an all-encompassing snapshot of Pakistan’s ever-changing demographic landscape. The figures, disclosed through a gazette notification, have brought to light a staggering population of 241.49 million, shedding light on the intricate tapestry of Pakistan’s society. A dynamic nationwide annual growth rate of 2.55% stands as a testament to the fluidity of the population dynamics.

Provincial Breakdown: A Glimpse into Diversity

The results present a detailed dissection of each province’s population, offering a comprehensive understanding of Pakistan’s diverse and multifaceted makeup.

Punjab: Leading the Population Surge

Emerging as the most populous province, Punjab has experienced a remarkable surge in its populace, reaching an impressive count of 127.68 million. This growth is underlined by a robust growth rate of 2.53%, emphasizing the sustained significance and influence of the province.

Sindh: A Transformative Force

The province of Sindh has left an indelible mark on the nation’s population, contributing a significant share of 55.69 million individuals. With a growth rate of 2.57%, Sindh’s ongoing transformation and pivotal role within Pakistan’s social fabric are unmistakably showcased.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Shaping Identity

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa stands as a significant contributor to Pakistan’s demographic tapestry, boasting a robust population of 40.85 million. A growth rate of 2.38% solidifies the province’s influence in shaping the evolving identity of the nation.

Balochistan: Resilience and Potential

Known for its resilience, Balochistan’s population has reached a count of 14.89 million. The province’s remarkable growth rate of 3.20% serves as a testament to its enduring spirit and the potential it holds for future development.

Karachi Division: A Megacity’s Growth Story

The iconic megacity of Karachi remains a bustling hub of activity and development, now housing over 23.8 million residents. An astounding annual rise of 4.10% in its population cements its reputation as a city characterized by continuous growth and transformation.

Lahore: Where History Meets Growth

Lahore, a city steeped in history and culture, has surpassed the 2.27 million mark, demonstrating a consistent yearly expansion rate of 2.72%. This growth mirrors the city’s enduring allure and its unwavering place within the narrative of Pakistan.

Quetta: A Testament to Progress

The population of Quetta has flourished, achieving an impressive count of 4.259 million. This surge in numbers reflects the city’s ongoing expansion and progress, highlighting its role in regional development.

Rawalpindi: Rising on the Demographic Chart

With an upward trajectory, Rawalpindi’s population has crossed the 1.14 million mark. This remarkable increase underscores the city’s potential and its role as a vital center of growth within Pakistan.

Islamabad: The Heart of the Nation

The federal capital, Islamabad, has etched its presence with a population of 2.36 million. This figure mirrors the city’s unique character and significance, reaffirming its central role in the nation’s framework.

We kindly invite you to explore the provided links for the preliminary release of the results from the Population & Housing Census 2023. Please note that while the initial results are available, a more detailed breakdown will be made available at a later time. For the latest updates, we encourage you to visit our website.

You can access the preliminary results through the following links:

Please stay tuned for further comprehensive insights, and thank you for your continued interest.

In Conclusion

The 2023 digital census results provide more than just numbers; they offer a panoramic view of Pakistan’s demographic evolution. The growth rates and population figures of each province paint a vivid picture of the nation’s vibrancy, complexity, and potential for the future. As Pakistan continues to advance, these statistics will serve as a cornerstone for informed decision-making and strategic planning to further shape the country’s trajectory.

Waste Generation in Islamabad and Rawalpindi: An Overview

Waste management is a critical issue faced by cities worldwide, and Islamabad and Rawalpindi in Pakistan are no exception. Understanding the amount of waste generated in these cities is essential for developing effective waste management strategies and addressing environmental concerns. While there is a lack of up-to-date data specifically for Islamabad and Rawalpindi, we can explore relevant information on waste generation in Pakistan and neighboring regions to gain insights into the overall situation. This article aims to provide an overview of waste generation in Islamabad and Rawalpindi based on available data and highlight potential sources for obtaining updated information.

Waste Generation in Pakistan: Pakistan, like many developing countries, faces significant challenges in waste management. According to estimates, Pakistan generates approximately 49.6 million tons of solid waste annually, with an annual increase of more than 2.4 percent [1]. The country’s major metropolitan areas contribute a significant portion of this waste, with Karachi, the largest city, generating over 16,500 tons of municipal waste daily [3].

Existing Waste Management Systems: Local and municipal governments are primarily responsible for waste collection in major cities of Pakistan, including Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The collection methods often involve handcarts, donkey pull-carts, open trucks, and other systems for primary and secondary collection [3]. Some cities, like Lahore, have implemented proper solid waste management, treatment, and disposal systems, while others are in the process of developing such infrastructure [3].

Composition of Municipal Solid Waste: Understanding the composition of municipal solid waste (MSW) is crucial for effective waste management planning. While specific data for Islamabad and Rawalpindi is not readily available, we can refer to the general composition of MSW in Pakistan. Based on United Nations Environment Programme’s report on waste management in Pakistan, the physical composition of MSW in Pakistan includes the following percentages [3]:

  • Food wastes: 30%
  • Yard wastes: 14%
  • Ash, bricks, and dirt: 18%
  • Plastic: 9%
  • Cardboard: 7%
  • Paper: 6%
  • Glass: 6%
  • Metal: 4%
  • Textile: 2%
  • Wood: 2%
  • Rubber: 1%
  • Leather: 1%

Sources for Updated Data: To obtain the most up-to-date information on waste generation in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, it is recommended to explore various sources, including government reports, waste management authorities, research articles, and statistical databases. Here are some potential sources to consider:

  1. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA may publish reports and data on waste management, including waste generation, in different regions of Pakistan.
  2. Local Government Authorities: Contacting municipal corporations or local government bodies in Islamabad and Rawalpindi can provide valuable insights into waste management and current waste generation statistics.
  3. Research Institutions: Universities and research institutions in Pakistan often conduct studies on waste management and can provide updated data on waste generation in specific areas.
  4. International Organizations: Organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or the World Bank may publish reports on waste management in Pakistan, including waste generation data for different regions.

You can reach out to the Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation (IMC) and the Rawalpindi Waste Management Company (RWMC) for information.

Conclusion: While specific data on waste generation in Islamabad and Rawalpindi is not available, Pakistan faces significant challenges in waste management, with large amounts of waste being generated in major cities. To obtain updated information on waste generation in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, it is recommended to consult government authorities, research institutions, and international organizations. By gathering accurate data on waste generation, policymakers and stakeholders can develop sustainable waste management strategies to tackle this pressing issue.

Sources: [1] Characterization and energy potential evaluation of urban municipal.